Schools programme
July 16, 2018
Brick Lane Music Hall supporting the local community
July 16, 2018The final show of our amazing 2017-18 season was our Summertime Show, starring Vincent Hayes, Paul James, Andrew Robley, Ben Goffe, Lucy Reed, Chris Draper and Ciara Power, featuring our very own Brick Lane Music Hall pierot troupe! (Aka Lucy Reed, Ben Goffe, Chris Draper and Ciara Power.)
Vincent Hayes led the show.
Above, Andrew Robley with, left to right Chris Draper, Lucy Reed, Ciara Power and Ben Goffe.
Chris Draper
Magician, mind-reader and illusionist, Edward Crawford.
Our next show is the Cockney Sing-Song which opens on September 11th. Be sure to join our mailing list if you would like to receive our annual listings mail-out announcing our exciting 2018-19 programme, or keep an eye on this site. 2018-19 listings coming soon!Β